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Dapio at the 'Future of Capitalism' Competition

Dapio performs at the 'Future of Capitalism' Competition this month, presenting groundbreaking payment technology. This event, championed by founder Leo Lion, aligns commerce with social impact.

Dapio at the 'Future of Capitalism' Competition

In early February, Dapio took centre stage at the 'Future of Capitalism Competition, delivering a compelling pitch that unveiled our revolutionary payment technology. Our omnichannel integrated solutions promise a seamless financial experience for enterprises, small businesses, and startups. Dapio has been chosen to showcase its groundbreaking FinTech innovation at the first Future of Capitalism Competition Finale, competing for a chance to secure $5 million in funding. Dapio was selected as one out of 9 finalists from 200+ applications.

This competition serves as a beacon for tech startups driven by a dual purpose – to make a significant commercial and social impact. Dapio aligns with this mission, presenting a business venture and a vision that transcends traditional boundaries. Our commitment to reshaping payment systems is reflected in our presentation, showcasing opportunities for growth and efficiency across diverse sectors.

The 'Future of Capitalism' Competition is more than a funding avenue; it's a platform to foster innovation and positive change. Exciting prospects await participants, as the competition is backed by influential partners such as Barclays and Warwick University. This collaboration amplifies startups' potential to create meaningful impacts at the intersection of business and societal advancement.

Leo Lion, the visionary founder of the competition, embodies a commitment beyond business success. They support social projects globally through the Leo Lion Foundation, leveraging commercial understanding to make a difference. This unique approach bridges profit and purpose, emphasising the competition's ethos.

As Dapio pioneers the future of payments, we invite you to explore the competition's profound impact. Witness the fusion of innovation, technology, and social responsibility. Join us on this transformative journey as we continue to bridge the gap between technology, commerce, and social impact.

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