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How to Sell Abroad: Tips from a London-based FinTech Founder

Take advantage of the shift in consumer behaviour and the remote work trend to expand your business globally now! Kosta Du, a founder of a London-based fintech company, shares how COVID-19 has made selling products or services abroad easier.

How to Sell Abroad: Tips from a London-based FinTech Founder

In this digital age, selling your products or services abroad has never been easier. As the founder of a financial technology company based in London, UK, Kosta Du shares his personal experience of making business abroad and how Covid-19 has changed the way we consume and sell.

The Covid-19 pandemic has disrupted our lives in many ways. One of the most significant changes has been the way we conduct business. With the introduction of remote communication tools like Zoom and digital channels, even enterprise clients are now willing to talk to you on a remote basis.

Kosta believes that this shift in consumer behavior has opened up opportunities for businesses to sell and make business abroad anywhere on the planet. Hiring people remotely is one of the key advantages, enabling businesses to target new markets like Spain, Mexico, Chile, Argentina, or Brazil. Whether you choose to hire freelancers or rent a hot desk, this approach has become a commodity.

Moreover, businesses can now operate remotely without the need for a significant local presence. This means that businesses no longer need to have a local business, local company, or local bank account. It's a fantastic opportunity for businesses to supply their products and services abroad.

Another factor that Kosta mentions is the shift in consumer behavior towards accepting foreign suppliers. Nowadays, people are more receptive to suggestions from foreign suppliers. This new acceptance has revolutionized the whole employment landscape on a global scale, making it possible for people in small cities to be employed by companies located in different parts of the world.

With this new acceptance, Kosta believes that small cities will flourish soon. Local people will have access to high salaries, enabling them to consume more expensive goods and services. This will eventually lead to the growth of the economy, much like the developed countries like the United States and Canada.

Kosta's advice to those who are questioning when the right time is to start selling abroad is "now." While there might be a few attempts that you'll need to make, Kosta believes that eventually, you'll be successful.

In conclusion, selling abroad has become more accessible, thanks to digital communication tools and the shift in consumer behaviour towards accepting foreign suppliers. The world has become a smaller place, and businesses can now operate remotely without the need for a significant local presence. So, if you're thinking of expanding your business, now is the time to do it!

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