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Return to Your Center: Why Philosophy is the Essential Pursuit

Philosophy is the centring pursuit that challenges us to think deeply about ourselves and the world. It requires work, reflection, and self-criticism. It's not the busy work that we do to fill our time, but the real work that shapes us as human beings. Let's make it a priority to return to it often.

Return to Your Center: Why Philosophy is the Essential Pursuit

In our fast-paced world, it's easy to get caught up in the day-to-day grind. We become focused on our work, our hobbies, our social lives, and our personal goals. We're constantly striving to be better, to do more, and to achieve greater success. But in the process, we can sometimes lose sight of what's truly important.

As the ancient philosopher Marcus Aurelius knew, it's easy to get distracted by the demands of the world around us. He recognized the importance of staying grounded in what mattered, and he encouraged others to do the same. In his book, Meditations, he likened the pursuit of philosophy to the relationship between a stepmother and a real mother. Just as we should pay our respects to our step-parents, we should also prioritize the pursuit of philosophy - the pursuit that made us who we are.

Philosophy is the centering pursuit that challenges us to think deeply about ourselves and the world around us. It requires work, reflection, and self-criticism. It demands that we hold ourselves to certain standards and hold ourselves accountable when we fall short. It's not the busy work that we do to fill our time, but the real work that shapes us as human beings.

It's easy to become complacent and forget the importance of philosophy in our lives. We get into a rhythm, and everything seems to be going well. But if we're not careful, that rhythm can turn into a rut. We may become so focused on other pursuits that we neglect the pursuit of philosophy altogether.

Marcus Aurelius knew that we needed to keep returning to philosophy to stay centered and nourished. He encouraged us to make philosophy our home, to pay it the proper respect, and to return to it often. Just as we would return to our real mother after paying our respects to our stepmother, we should return to philosophy to rest in its embrace.

So, let us remember the wisdom of Marcus Aurelius and the importance of philosophy in our lives. Let us make it a priority to return to it often so that our daily rhythm does not become a rut. And let us hold ourselves accountable to the standards of philosophy, so that we may continue to grow and evolve as human beings.

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