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Tap-and-Pay Solutions For Business: Convenient & Affordable

Soft PoS or Tap-and-Pay solutions allow businesses to accept contactless payments using affordable Android smartphones or tablets. This cost-effective and convenient technology is perfect for small businesses and micro-sellers who don't have a sophisticated PoS system or hardware installation.

Tap-and-Pay Solutions For Business: Convenient & Affordable

Tap-and-Pay solutions, also known as Soft PoS systems, are quickly becoming essential to businesses. Point-of-sale (PoS) systems are software and hardware combinations that enable customers to make payments for goods and services purchased from a company.

So, what exactly is Tap-and-Pay or Soft PoS?

Tap-and-Pay or SoftPos android solution is a safe and certified technology that enables businesses to accept contactless payments on smartphones and tablets. This technology enables customers to make quick payments at the point of sale using their Android phones. All that a merchant needs to accept quick real-time payments is a commercial store-bought smartphone or tablet running Android 8.0 or higher with a SIM card, uninterrupted internet access, and an NFC module.

When customers cannot make payments using cards, Tap-and-Pay solutions provide a more straightforward and easier-to-access solution. This solution does not require additional hardware and enables sellers to use Android smartphones to accept payments. All that is needed is to download an app, which is secured with a PIN, and only the seller or payment receiver has authorized access.

Tap-and-Pay solutions also address the needs of small businesses, especially during the current challenging times of COVID-19. Most small and micro-sellers have one to three employees or no registered business. Typically, small-level professionals like barbers, plumbers, carpenters, beauticians, street food stalls, food trucks, and other self-employed and small service providers don't earn big money, hence don't have a sophisticated PoS system and hardware installation. SoftPoS is an innovative and cost-effective solution suitable for their needs.

One of the significant advantages of Tap-and-Pay solutions is their usability on affordable devices. Most small traders, micro preneurs, or solopreneurs who don't want to carry an additional device for payment transactions can use Soft PoS apps. These apps are white-label solutions for all sellers and easily run on affordable smartphone devices. This means businesses can use the latest generation of affordable smartphone devices to accept contactless payments by deploying a SoftPos application, making it both easy and convenient.

In conclusion, Tap-and-Pay solutions provide an affordable, secure, and convenient way for businesses of all sizes to accept contactless payments. With its cost-effective deployment, ease of use, and convenience on smartphones, Tap-and-Pay solutions quickly become the backbone of businesses, driving customer satisfaction and business growth.

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